Volkswagen VIN decoder

This is the Volkswagen VIN decoder. Every Volkswagen car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. This number contains vital information about the car, such as its manufacturer, year of production, the plant it was produced in, type of engine, model and more. For instance, if someone wants to buy a car, it is possible to check the VIN number one the online database to ensure that the car was not stolen, damaged or illegally modified. The VIN number has a specific format that is globally recognized. This format was implemented by the ISO institute. Every car manufacturer is obliged to mark all its vehicles in this special format. This online service allows a user to check the validity of the car and get detailed information on almost any VIN number, search for Volkswagen car parts and check the car’s history. The VIN also allows a user to get a build sheet of Volkswagen.

  1. Select model:
  2. Расшифровка VIN
  3. Последние проверки
  4. Все марки / Выберете модель Volkswagen
  5. Из чего состоит VIN
  6. Зашифрованная в VIN информация
  7. Информация ТС
  8. Отзывы по неисправностям
  9. Цена и пробег
  10. I вин декодер фольксваген
  11. VW VIN Decoder tool for any Europe used vehicle!
  12. Volkswagen VIN Decoder
  13. A Complete Know-How About Your Volkswagen VIN
  14. Volkswagen Models:
  15. How to use VW VIN Decoder?
  16. Can the VIN on the website of the manufacturing company be decoded?
  17. Can it be possible for you to search for the parts of your car through VIN?
  18. What can be known from the VIN?
  19. What can you if the VIN is not getting scanned on the car manufacturer’s app?
  20. Can the VIN be decoded by hand?
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Select model:

Please check Volkswagen car parts catalog for additional information if you’re looking for parts to repair your vehicle. You can search Volkswagen parts by VIN number. It is possible to get market price of new or used Volkswagen by VIN number. Every buyer must check Volkswagen car history before getting a car loan or credit. Buying a used car? Do not forget to read about Volkswagen problems, recalls and complaints. Find all the latest facts, figures and Volkswagen specs based on year, make and model. Volkswagen vehicle history report may contain the following information: title problems, prior damages, unsafe salvage rebuilds, odometer mileage, theft, past sales.

  • What is VDS? VDS is a Vehicle Descriptor Section. VDS is used to specify a type of vehicle and may include information about the model, platform, engine and transmission.
  • What is VIN? VIN is a Vehicle Identification Number
  • What is VIS? VIS is a Vehicle Identifier Section
  • What is WMI? WMI is a World Manufacturer Identifier. The first three symbols identify the manufacturer of the car.

Additional sources of information regarding safety of transportation can be found here:


Расшифровка VIN

Модификация, комплектация, технические особенности, проблемы автомобиля, оценка по рынку, двигатель, трансмиссия и многое другое.

Последние проверки

Все марки / Выберете модель Volkswagen

Из чего состоит VIN

Поз. 1 1 Где произведен автомобиль (1 — означает США)
2-3 FT Производитель (F — означает Ford Inc.)
4-8 GHDLZ Отражает бренд, размер двигателя и тип
9 B Проверочный код автомобиля
10 G Указывает на год производства
11 K Индикатор завода изготовителя
12-17 456923 Серийный номер автомобиля
  • Что такое VDS? VDS — это раздел дескриптора транспортного средства. VDS используется для указания типа транспортного средства и может включать информацию о модели, платформе, двигателе и трансмиссии.
  • Что такое VIN? VIN — это уникальный идентификационный номер автомобиля.
  • Что такое VIS? VIS — это раздел идентификации транспортного средства.
  • Что такое WMI? WMI — это мировой идентификатор производителя. Первые три символа обозначают производителя автомобиля.
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Зашифрованная в VIN информация

Типичный автомобильный идентификатор состоит из 17-значного кода. Код разделен на несколько разделов, имеющих конкретное значение. Этот уникальный идентификатор позволяет отличить одно транспортное средство от другого. Идентификатор может кодировать такие параметры, как производитель, завод, модель, двигатель, комплектация и цвет. Нет транспортных средств с одинаковыми кодами. Производители, строго соблюдающие стандарты ISO, постоянно присваивают VIN каждому новому автомобилю, поступающему с производственной линии и регистрируемому в базах данных, которые ведут производители автомобилей и государственные учреждения, такие как NHTSA и DMV. Покупатели не хотят быть обманутыми, приобретая подержанный автомобиль, и это является основной причиной, по которой они хотят расшифровать идентификационный номер автомобиля. Расшифровка кода может помочь узнать следующее:

Информация ТС

Информация о производителе, объем двигателя, марка, модель и год производства. Модельные года, в которые производился конкретный автомобиль. Для какого рынка выпускалось конкретное атво.

Отзывы по неисправностям

По требованиям органа надзора технического состояния автомобилей, некоторые автомобили отзываются в связи с браком. Если конкретный автомобиль подлежит отзыву, данная информация в явном виде будет указана.

Цена и пробег

Исходя из анализа данных рынка автомобилей, можно легко посчитать сколько в среднем стоит автомобиль конкретной комплектации и модификации. А так же узнать средний пробег такого авто.

Излишне говорить, что все эти аспекты играют важную роль в защите потребителей.

Autobius — универсальный VIN-декодер, позволяющий расшифровать VIN любого автомобиля . Каждый автомобиль имеет уникальный идентификационный код, который называется VIN. Этот номер содержит важную информацию об автомобиле, такую как его производитель, год выпуска, завод, на котором он был произведен, тип двигателя, модель и многое другое. Например, если кто-то хочет купить автомобиль, можно проверить VIN номер один в онлайн-базе данных, чтобы убедиться, что автомобиль не был украден, поврежден или незаконно изменен. Номер VIN имеет определенный формат, который признан во всем мире. Этот формат был внедрен институтом ISO. Каждый производитель автомобилей обязан маркировать все свои автомобили в этом специальном формате. Этот онлайн-сервис позволяет пользователю проверить действительность автомобиля и получить подробную информацию практически по любому номеру VIN, найти запчасти для автомобиля и проверить историю автомобиля. Расшифрование VIN также позволяет пользователю проверить рыночную стоимость нового или подержанного автомобиля.


I вин декодер фольксваген

Volkswagen is a trademark of Volkswagen AG, often the abbreviation VW is also used.

Volkswagen was founded in 1937 and became the first and one of the most well-known models to become the Beetle. Volkswagen means “folk car” directly translated from German.

VW VIN Decoder has that power in which everyone can trust the Vehicle by closing their eyes. If the Vehicle has a VIN number, that means the Vehicle is fully proved and has very good features. People get relaxed after knowing that the VIN thoroughly checks the Vehicle. It is very beneficial and helpful to have a strong trust in the car. It means the car is full of proper accuracy with good features and specs parts.

VW VIN Decoder tool for any Europe used vehicle!

VW VIN Decoder is a tool that allows you to decode the vehicle identification number of any VW vehicle registered in Europe.

Volkswagen VIN Decoder

The Volkswagen VIN Check tool is a website that you can use to get any information about your Europe vehicle. It has dozens of different databases with all the different types of information you might need.

A Complete Know-How About Your Volkswagen VIN

In case you are planning to buy a Volkswagen car, then you will have a lot of questions in your mind about the car. Like, you will need to know about its model, build, make, manufacturing, etc. Thus, if you are eager to know about it, then a reliable way to go is with the help of its VIN. VIN is the abbreviated form of Vehicle Identification Number and has 17 digits long.

You must have known about the VIN referred to as the chassis number too. Both of them are the same. However, it must be noted that the VIN or chassis number is not similar to the engine number. Most importantly, you can change the engine of a car, whereas a universally recognized number can be denoted by the VIN.

If you want to know about the VIN of your Volkswagen Car then continue reading below:

Volkswagen Models:

The Volkswagen Group, often shortened to VW Group, is a German multinational automotive manufacturing company headquartered in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.

Volkswagen (VW) has three core brands: Volkswagen (the original VW brand), Audi and Škoda. The group owns seven luxury brands: Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, SEAT and the VW Commercial Vehicles marque. It has 16 truck marques as well as a major shareholding in the motorcycle manufacturer Ducati.

How to use VW VIN Decoder?

If you are not having much information regarding VIN or the ways by which you can read the lengthy 18 digits or its meaning then you need not worry. There are easier ways by which you can find it out. At first, you must get the VIN from the car’s chassis that you buy. You can also ask the worker or the showroom manager to provide you with the number.

Once it gets completed, you require to search for it over the internet by inputting the term VIN Decoder Volkswagen. You will come across many websites that can breakdown the meaning of the number when it is inputted in the search bar of the website. When you press as well as enter you will find information regarding the manufacturer of the car, the factory where it was manufactured, year of production, and much more.

You can find the VW VIN Decoder on the lower-right end of the dashboard of your vehicle. It will be situated on the doorjamb on the side of driving too, instead of the chassis.

Can the VIN on the website of the manufacturing company be decoded?

There are possibilities that you can find out the details of VIN and get it decoded by inputting the number shown on the website of the manufacturing company. Although, it must be noted that the websites of some companies can ask you to present an ownership validation before getting accessibility to the details. But it is not very common.

It must be noted that if you own a Volkswagen car, then you can try visiting a website controlled by the main company for getting information regarding your vehicle through its VW VIN Decoder. Just enter the VIN and you will be able to find a Volkswagen too. Although, if this doesn’t happen, you can search using the Volkswagen decoder itself.

Can it be possible for you to search for the parts of your car through VIN?

Your car might require components or repairs that need to get replaced. In such a case, it can be possible for you to search for different parts of your Volkswagen with the help of VIN. It becomes easy for you to find the appropriate parts of your car using the VIN and save a lot of time for yourself.

What can be known from the VIN?

When you enter the VIN of your vehicle into a decoder, you can find out the entire vehicle history. You can even know the place where your car was manufactured and also the name of the factory. Although you must note that you can find the figures, facts, and all other details related to the Volkswagen vehicle you are about to get.

Getting to know about the car problems is crucial if you are availing a second-hand Volkswagen car. Apart from this, you will know about all the past sales records, damages, and also the odometer mileage through the VIN Italy. If you are about to buy a second-hand car it lets you carefully think about whether you should buy it or not.

You must know that if you are purchasing a second-hand car from any garage then you must check the VIN number presented on the chassis of your vehicle along with the one that can be present on the registration book. If both of them match, then it’s alright. But in case they don’t look similar, then you shouldn’t purchase the car. Unmatched VINs represent illegally acquired cars or the cars which are tampered with before.

What can you if the VIN is not getting scanned on the car manufacturer’s app?

The owners of any VW VIN Decoder vehicle often times come across this problem. As such, it is suggested that you assure that the bar code gets aligned up with the property in the market that presents on the scanning up. Then you must keep your device which makes your barcode fit properly on the screen. This should help in better scanning of the VIN without more issues.

Can the VIN be decoded by hand?

There are possibilities of decoding your VIN personally. But you must know that it is a time taking procedure and if you don’t have complete information about the different kinds of car parts then there are chances for you to get confused.

You must know that the 3rd letter refers to the group of cars or even the type of chassis used. Next are the 6 different disgusts which means the gearbox, type of body, and engine. Once that is done, the 8 digits from the last are a combination of the unique number that is unique for each vehicle.

VIN is also known as Vehicle Identification Number remains unchanged and it can be helpful for you even for tracking your car down whenever you need it. For understanding your VIN, it is possible if you have a brief idea regarding the gearbox, types of car, and everything as such. In case you don’t, then you can face a lot of confusion in grasping it completely. It is recommended that you prevent hassles as well as mistakes just by suing a VIN decoder to get your task done.


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